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It was a game of memory, all the cards turned over in no particular succession. And she couldn't recall the rows in which the precious pairs were placed. He landed face up time and again plaguing her with the sensation of having inadvertently laid his useless card in the wrong place on multiple occasions. She needed Silas and Jacob Payne. She needed to find their mirrored faces and stack them on her side of the table. Being identical twins, the Payne Brothers had the talent of being everywhere at once.


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This is the fifth book in the historic series created for children by Munari in 1945. Alfonso, the thoroughly likeable green magician, disappears and reappears in trunks and boxes. At the end he finally manages to play his violin in peace.


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Gigi’s looking for his cap. Where can it be? Let’s help him find it by opening closet doors, lifting lids and looking around. A book to rummage through, like an attic or a messy bedroom, with direct and captivating pictures drawn over half a century ago. Ah! Gigi finds his cap in the end!
